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Jeramy Woodhill

How Can AV Integration Make Your Meetings And Presentations Better?

How Can AV Integration Make Your Meetings And Presentations Better?

It’s annoying to be disrupted by audiovisual (AV) technology glitches.

Employees don’t want to spend the first ten minutes of their presentation connecting their computer to a display. Clergy don't want to begin a sermon by having to correct (cringey) microphone feedback. Educators don’t want to take time away from their lecture to make sure virtual students are connected and are comfortable participating.

All these situations have one thing in common: The audiovisual technology has not been properly integrated into the workflow or the physical space. AV integration exists to ensure the technology that’s meant to support us works effortlessly for our specific needs.

What is AV integration?

AV integration, or audiovisual integration, is the process of ensuring that audio and video experiences within a space happen seamlessly and without drawing attention to the technology that supports those experiences.

The process includes the coordination and setup of equipment like speakers, microphones, projectors, displays, control panels, video conferencing software, and other technologies. But AV integration involves much more than just purchasing and installing this equipment.

To create a high-quality experience for users, AV equipment needs to be a part of a space’s overall design. When that happens, trained AV professionals are able to map out an entire space’s system so that everything works together and all devices can be controlled from a single interface.

What is an AV integrator?

An AV integrator is a professional or group of professionals who oversee the design and installation of your AV equipment and who properly integrate that AV equipment into your space. They maximize the use of your space and make sure the overall AV system runs smoothly.

You could have the latest and greatest technology, but if it’s not compatible with other equipment, suitable for your network limitations, doesn’t fit well within your space, or a myriad of other complications, the experience will feel anything but seamless for your users.

An AV integrator is tasked with solving these problems to improve the viewing and listening experience; they also ensure you have the right equipment to successfully bring to life your vision for your presentation space.

How can you use AV integration services?

Get the support of an AV integrator to design your space and to install AV equipment that meets your particular needs. Select an AV integrator who has the technological expertise required for your specific project, as well as experience designing the type of space you're outfitting.

Once you find an AV integrator that checks both boxes, you can work with them on the installation of audio and video equipment, control systems, system management, maintenance, security, and more.

Audio Equipment And Services

Effective audiovisual integration requires good sound. The experience of those speaking or presenting, and those listening, can easily turn sour if a room’s sound system is poorly designed. An AV integrator can help with the following audio-related services:

  • Selecting and installing microphones and speakers to suit your needs

  • Selecting and installing acoustic panels, rugs, or other sound-dampening products needed to improve sound quality in a space

  • Designing and installing a distributed audio system, like a speaker system in a school or event space or one that plays music throughout an office

  • Installing and configuring digital signal processors to connect wireless sound systems, speakers, and microphones

Video Equipment And Services

Easy-to-use displays are an important part of making a space feel integrated. Work with an AV integrator to ensure that presentations and visuals are always easy to see and easy to get up and running. Video-related services include:

  • Selecting and installing digital signage, video walls, or television displays

  • Selecting and installing projection systems, video projectors, and screens

  • Designing and installing a videoconferencing system, including setting up online technology needed to display presentations at meetings or events

  • Designing and installing distributed video systems, including AV over internet protocol (IP) technology, to allow you to distribute video to many different displays from a single source

  • Designing and installing broadcast AV systems

  • Designing and installing wayfinding technology, including directories and maps within a space like a large office building, mall, or park

Control System Planning And Installation

An AV system that’s fully integrated and easy to use also has to be easy to control. Control systems allow users to manage audio and video technology from a single source. An AV integrator will offer services such as:

  • Selecting, installing, and programming a control system

  • Installing and programming user-facing technology like touch panels, button panels, and web applications needed to control equipment in real time.

Equipment Management And Maintenance

AV systems aren’t made of “set-it-and-forget-it” technology. The systems and hardware that are in regular use will require some management and maintenance along the way. Some AV integrators offer the following maintenance services to clients whose systems they design and install:

  • Remote asset monitoring, which allows them to manage equipment, troubleshoot issues, repair hardware, or perform regular maintenance without being on-site

  • Preventive maintenance, which includes scheduled check-ins at a predetermined cadence to make sure all equipment is up-to-date and working properly

  • Service and repair of systems and equipment that malfunction

Security Planning And Installation

The best security systems are nondescript and easy to operate from a remote location. An AV integrator will be able to assist with the following security-related services:

  • Selecting and installing surveillance and security systems, including cameras and microphones

  • Setting up and maintaining access control, which uses authentication and authorization software to determine who can access and use certain company information and resources

  • Selecting and installing paging equipment

AV integration is where experience and technology come together.

No matter what type of space you’re managing, effective audiovisual integration can make a huge impact on the experience people have in your space. If your equipment isn’t part of a system that’s properly designed for the surrounding environment, or for your requirements, you’re not providing the best experience possible.

Look for an AV integrator with a track record of designing the same type of space you’re managing, and one who’s empathetic to your needs and budget.

The professionals at Aspen Custom Electronics have decades of experience building AV systems for corporate offices and meeting spaces, houses of worship, higher education and primary education facilities, government meeting spaces, and more. Contact us for a free consultation.


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